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under construction

pink lace icons


originally i bundled these icons for 
personal use but people actually want it
so here it is on the blog.

you must have IconBundles installed 
from Cydia in order to use this.

should work on all phones running 
ios 7 - 8

tested on an iphone 5s.

please note,
i did not make the icons.
i took them from cocoppa & all credit
goes to the original owner. 
i, in no way claim credit for these
the only thing i'm taking credit for is
the time i've taken to bundle them so
you don't have to use them as shortcuts.
(which i believe is fairly annoying)

hope you enjoy them.


"pink lace icons" was Posted On: Monday, 24 November 2014 @08:59 | 0 lovely comments
fat cat icons


originally i bundled these icons for 
personal use but people actually want it
so here it is on the blog.

you must have IconBundles installed 
from Cydia in order to use this.

should work on all phones running 
ios 7 - 8

tested on an iphone 5s.

x download link x

please note,
i did not make the icons.
i took them from cocoppa & all credit
goes to the original owner. 
i, in no way claim credit for these
the only thing i'm taking credit for is
the time i've taken to bundle them so
you don't have to use them as shortcuts.
(which i believe is fairly annoying)

hope you enjoy them.


"fat cat icons" was Posted @08:58 | 0 lovely comments
new wallies x

hello all.

i am back with some more new
wallpapers. sorry for the
long hiatus. 

right click & save to
your gallery please.


i was just messing around with 
the gradient tool on photoshop
and came up with these for

i hope you like them
stay tuned for more.


"new wallies x" was Posted @08:42 | 0 lovely comments
update xx

hello, if you follow this blog, 
you probably realized that 
there haven't been any new post for awhile, 
which i'm terribly sorry for. 
however, i am not inactive. :) 
in fact, i have updates posted on instagram 
every couple of moments or days heh.

so basically, go follow 
on instagram for more future updates.

"update xx" was Posted On: Wednesday, 12 November 2014 @22:47 | 0 lovely comments

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