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copic set

hello loves,
i'm here with a new wallpaper set!

here is the preview of two of the wallpapers.

there are a total of 4 wallpapers,
all in the same, abstract kind of style.

i think they would look good on days
where you want to go back to stock.

enjoy, and do credit me if you 
post a screenshot on instagram!

- jasmine (:

" copic set" was Posted On: Wednesday, 24 December 2014 @10:39 | 0 lovely comments
merry christmas!


merry christmas to all of you xx

it's been a wonderful year 
i'm very thankful for all the support!

i've made a pretty cheesy kind of christmas
wall for you all.

enjoy (:


"merry christmas!" was Posted @05:57 | 0 lovely comments
mess in a dress walls set xx

i've made a new set of wallies 
for y'all.

( these are just three of the walls,
they have the same design but 
with different colors xx )

x download x

unzip the file (:

it has a total of 9 wallpapers, 
comes in different colors.

hope you enjoy.

- jasmine 

"mess in a dress walls set xx" was Posted On: Tuesday, 23 December 2014 @11:05 | 0 lovely comments
jakupo icons

i've also decided to share these 
jakupo icons.

i actually got them from the jakupo site,
but i think the site is down unfortunately.

x download

basically, this works on ios 6 to ios 8,
tested on a iphone 5s running ios 8.

make sure you have IconBundles installed,
from cydia.

i do not claim credit for these icons,
but what i do claim credit for is the time
i spent putting them into iconbundles.

do tag me on instagram if you post screenshots.

so do enjoy.

- jasmine (:

"jakupo icons " was Posted @10:27 | 0 lovely comments
purple pastel icons xx

hello all,
i'm sharing these pastel icons.

please take note,
i do not own these icons.
they are from cocoppa,
and what i claim credit for,
is taking the time to put them into IconBundles.
do credit me when posting a screenshot 
on instagram, 
thank you!

- works on ios 6 to ios 8
- MUST have IconBundles installed (from cydia)

please enjoy!

( i do not own the wallpaper, zeppelin or widget )


"purple pastel icons xx" was Posted @10:21 | 0 lovely comments
pink lace icons


originally i bundled these icons for 
personal use but people actually want it
so here it is on the blog.

you must have IconBundles installed 
from Cydia in order to use this.

should work on all phones running 
ios 7 - 8

tested on an iphone 5s.

please note,
i did not make the icons.
i took them from cocoppa & all credit
goes to the original owner. 
i, in no way claim credit for these
the only thing i'm taking credit for is
the time i've taken to bundle them so
you don't have to use them as shortcuts.
(which i believe is fairly annoying)

hope you enjoy them.


"pink lace icons" was Posted On: Monday, 24 November 2014 @08:59 | 0 lovely comments
fat cat icons


originally i bundled these icons for 
personal use but people actually want it
so here it is on the blog.

you must have IconBundles installed 
from Cydia in order to use this.

should work on all phones running 
ios 7 - 8

tested on an iphone 5s.

x download link x

please note,
i did not make the icons.
i took them from cocoppa & all credit
goes to the original owner. 
i, in no way claim credit for these
the only thing i'm taking credit for is
the time i've taken to bundle them so
you don't have to use them as shortcuts.
(which i believe is fairly annoying)

hope you enjoy them.


"fat cat icons" was Posted @08:58 | 0 lovely comments

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