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custom carriers order post xx


[ some examples of custom carriers ]

please note,
these custom carriers are meant
to be used on android, with the app
super status bar. 
they are not zeppelins.

x payment x 

they do not cost money, 
however there are forms of payment.

- by trading 

1 carrier for 1 font 
3 carriers for a theme
1 carrier for a wallpaper

- a follow on our instagram & 
a shoutout when you receive your

- follow on our instagram &
my personal account

[ order policy ]

> please kik/line me @jasmine_tpl to order.
> be polite & nice please.
> I have the rights to reject your order.
> do not rush me, I don't owe you anything.
> forgive me if I take a week or so, 
I have school and a lot of work.
> I reserve the rights to make your order
as I deem fit, meaning if I think 
something looks better than what you said,
I'll do it.

[ order form ]

instagram name: 
name for carrier:
(you can give me a color code/specify the shade/general)
(etc. galaxy/floral/stripes)
(cursive/sans serif/cute/simple/cartoon)
any other specifications:

if you choose a pattern,
there will be no color choice.
however, if you choose a color,
I may add a pattern onto it if it suits.

 * I may add certain details to your carrier,
matching your font/color *

thank you.


"custom carriers order post xx" was Posted On: Friday, 14 March 2014 @21:12 | 0 lovely comments

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